India is total immersion in color, heat, noise and smells. Last
summer's visit to India inspired me to return to figuration, such was
the press of bodies and unique costumes of the people I encountered.
People, at work in their daily lives in humble occupations, plowing
the land, washing clothes in the Ganges River and praying at the
evening fire ceremony in the temple, were striking in their
simplicity and beauty. I made sketches in the crowds, took
photographs and worked these impressions up into a series of
paintings on my return.
The contrast between the ancient rhythms of work and today's modern
technology is stark in India, where the wooden boats are rowed by
hand and an old man sells memory cards by the Ganges. Energetic
laundry-men pound washing on stones while customers wait, squinting
at their Blackberries. Women wreathed in jasmine and gloriously
colored silk, juggle babies, cell phones, shopping. A farmer sings
to his water buffalo as he plows the red earth or herds his crops to
market on the road to Bangalore. At dawn, the guru of Lali Ghat
performs his morning ablutions to Shiva on the banks of the Ganges
while tourists drift past on the river, snapping pictures in time to
the dipping of wooden oars. Holy men with long hair and wild red
eyes assess the crowds. In the temple, people press forward, praying
and pushing to get a glimpse of a holy statue of the elephant
god. Warm stones on bare feet, incense, chanting and the ringing of
temple bells create an atmosphere of mystery as night falls. An old
woman pours hot oil on the stones and whispers a few words to the darkness
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